Reflective Practice
As I have stated in previous journal entries, presenting case studies to the group is a nervous time, but I feel that since that last journal entry on this subject, I have improved greatly, I think this may be a result of reading 'Presentational Skills for Students' by J. Emden and L. Becker.
Exploring Specialist Pathways 1
Today was the second 'day brief' of which we focused on Juxtaposition. Initial I was slightly confused with the concept of Juxtapositioning, and I still feel confused with it now. I now understand the concept of it, placing two contrasting images together to make creative piece of artwork. But I don't see how placing to contrasting images together can work. I feel that in the future I need to read over this subject again and make myself clear with it.
Professional and Contextual Studies 1
Today's lesson was set aside for a group meeting to discuss the show.
The following points were discussed:-
Printing of all A3 images for display are to be carried out and paid for by the students. There is now an A3 colour printer located in room B301.
Clair Chick from the college marketing department will be attending Thursday’s afternoon lesson to discuss publicity and other services that the marketing department can provide.
Agreement from Clair Chick required that the college marketing department will be printing of leaflets and posters for the event.
Clair Chick to provide at Thursday’s meeting the deadline for the completed leaflet and poster designs.
Clair Chick needs to provide NS & MH with poster and leaflet sizes.
Boards to be painted white by all that can attend. The college will be open on Tuesday 12th April where painting to commence at 10am.
PM / RC / NS / MH / NBz to meet on Thursday 14th April to discuss progress at a location to be determined.
Event opening times agreed as follows:
Tuesday - 6pm to 11pm
Wednesday – 11am to 5pm
Thursday – 11am to 5pm
Friday – 11am to 3pm
All show boards and materials to be removed, stacked, and covered before 6pm on Wednesday 4th April.
All show boards and materials to be replaced into show positions before 11am show opening time.
SB & ZE have agreed that they can get work printed at a printer located in Penkridge.
Those not on this mailing list, and those that did not attend the meeting dated 05/04/11 and wish to have work displayed in the show to forward names and email details to
NB informed group that Clair Chick and the college marketing department will be able to provide foam mounting board for display images.
A laptop computer will be required to display any work through the projector located at the event venue and will need to be self-insured.
Clair Chick to will be arranging publicity for the show which needs to be confirmed. It was highlighted that a free copy of the Express & Star is distributed throughout Stafford on a Wednesday night.
The following points were discussed:-
Printing of all A3 images for display are to be carried out and paid for by the students. There is now an A3 colour printer located in room B301.
Clair Chick from the college marketing department will be attending Thursday’s afternoon lesson to discuss publicity and other services that the marketing department can provide.
Agreement from Clair Chick required that the college marketing department will be printing of leaflets and posters for the event.
Clair Chick to provide at Thursday’s meeting the deadline for the completed leaflet and poster designs.
Clair Chick needs to provide NS & MH with poster and leaflet sizes.
Boards to be painted white by all that can attend. The college will be open on Tuesday 12th April where painting to commence at 10am.
PM / RC / NS / MH / NBz to meet on Thursday 14th April to discuss progress at a location to be determined.
Event opening times agreed as follows:
Tuesday - 6pm to 11pm
Wednesday – 11am to 5pm
Thursday – 11am to 5pm
Friday – 11am to 3pm
All show boards and materials to be removed, stacked, and covered before 6pm on Wednesday 4th April.
All show boards and materials to be replaced into show positions before 11am show opening time.
SB & ZE have agreed that they can get work printed at a printer located in Penkridge.
Those not on this mailing list, and those that did not attend the meeting dated 05/04/11 and wish to have work displayed in the show to forward names and email details to
NB informed group that Clair Chick and the college marketing department will be able to provide foam mounting board for display images.
A laptop computer will be required to display any work through the projector located at the event venue and will need to be self-insured.
Clair Chick to will be arranging publicity for the show which needs to be confirmed. It was highlighted that a free copy of the Express & Star is distributed throughout Stafford on a Wednesday night.