For once today we were not doing Harvard Referencing,thank you Niel
In this weeks lecture we were analyse reflective writing
Richard Branson.
I personally think that the extract from Richards book Business Stripped Bare is a very good piece of reflective writing. He talks about how some of his business ventures have not worked according to plan and he reflects on how he has made money from his failures for example one venture mentions in the extract is his plans to
" put a truly innovative upper-class seat on Virgin Atlantic's planes in 2000"(Branson 2008) Richard claims that this did not work as they left it to long to develop the seats and British Airways got hold of their plans and out innovated them(Branson 2008), they dumped future plans with a cost of £100 million. But that was not the end, the benefits to them were, they had the best business-class flat beds in the world designed by their own team.
Albert Speer.
Speer knew what he had done was bad and that there was no excuse
"for which one is guilty even if one might offer excuses - simply because the scale of the crime is so overwhelming that by comparison any human excuse pales to insignificance"(Speer 1966).
Having read the extract I now feel that Albert Speer has successfully reflected on his past, he know he has done wrong and is prepared to suffer the consequences. One significant reflection I found in the extract was whilst Speers was in prison the guards held no grudge against him, Speers claimed that he encountered un-corrupted feelings of sympathy, helpfulness, human understandings, feelings that bypassed the prison rules.
"Many of them mourned loved ones who had dies in the war - in particular, every on of the Soviet guards had lost some close relative, brothers or a father. Yet not one of them bore a grudge toward me for my personal share in the tragedy; never did I hear words of recrimination."(Speer 1966).
Alan Partridge
In general Alan comes across as a smug, emotionless person who puts everyone down and always ends his anecdotes with the prase "needless to say I had the last laugh".
In this video he is a guest on a radio show along side a recovering drug addict. The recovering drug addict is constantly reflecting on her past mistakes and talking about how she has changed, whereas Alan thinks he is the only person who has changed and always put the other character down for the past.